
Preferred CFO recently added Human Resources Veteran, Tom Applegarth, to the Preferred CFO team to offer outsourced HR services in addition to or standalone from outsourced CFO services. In this video, Tom introduces his experience and key benefits he offers Preferred CFO’s clients.

Tom Applegarth, Outsourced Human Resources Manager

Tom Applegarth is an experienced Human Resources (HR) expert with significant experience in running HR for large companies, Fortune 500 Companies like Amoco and Goodyear and Payless Shoe Source when they existed, as well as smaller companies. He has been the head of HR for a division about $1B in sales and thousands of employees, many of which were outside the U.S., the head of compensation and benefits for two different companies that were both over $2B in sales, and more, making his experience significant and diverse.

Tom joined Preferred CFO several months ago as the outsourced Human Resources manager to merge finance strategy with HR strategy. “I was really excited to work with a lot of smaller companies and really bring an expertise in how they ought to set up different HR processes and systems to really maximize their business. I’ve been with Preferred CFO now for about six months, and working with several different companies, and it’s been a lot of fun,” says Applegarth.

Contd. below…


Slide showing list of Preferred CFO's outsourced HR solutions, available on the website in text form by clicking "HR Services" in the top navigation

The services Tom and his team provide as outsourced Human Resources solutions are all-encompassing and are customized based on a company’s current size, challenges, industry, and needs. His team is able to augment existing HR teams, provide high-level HR strategy and compliance, or provide full-service HR solutions.

Outsourced HR solutions are available in conjunction with or standalone from Preferred CFO’s outsourced fractional CFO solutions. Tom specializes in aligning Human Resources with high-level financial strategy and performance, making the partnership with Preferred CFO and its expert CFO solutions a logical one. However, Tom can also work with internal finance teams or other outsourced financial solutions to align Human Resources performance and strategy with the company’s financial goals and operations.

In the video above, meet Tom Applegarth,  the head of Preferred CFO’s outsourced Human Resources solutions. Tom speaks about his experience, how he’s been able to help clients to-date on their outsourced HR needs, and how he can continue to help new and existing clients in the future.

For more information about Preferred CFO’s outsourced HR solutions, reach out to Tom at [email protected] or click the button below to learn more.

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