
Having spent over 30 years as an HR professional, I’ve seen firsthand the critical role recruiters play in sourcing and selecting top candidates. My experience spans roles such as head of Talent Acquisition for a Fortune 500 company, leading HR for divisions with over $1 billion in revenue and 8,000+ employees, and serving as Chief People Officer for a company with $250M in revenue and 700 employees across five countries. 

Throughout these experiences, I’ve observed that a recruiter’s ability to engage assertively, negotiate terms, and make confident decisions can greatly influence recruitment success. However, not all recruiters naturally possess the assertiveness needed to excel. Recognizing this gap and offering assertiveness training for recruiters can significantly boost their career development and overall effectiveness in their role.

Identifying Areas of Improvement

To begin, it’s crucial to assess the current assertiveness levels of your recruiters. Are they hesitant to proactively pursue candidates? Do they struggle with clear communication? Identifying these specific areas of weakness will help you tailor training to address these gaps effectively.

Providing Education on Assertive Communication

With that said assertiveness training should include education on the fundamentals of assertive communication. This involves teaching recruiters how to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs directly yet respectfully. Some ways of achieving this are techniques such as using “I” statements, practicing active listening, and improving non-verbal communication skills can be invaluable.

Incorporating Role-Playing Exercises

Using practical exercises like role-playing scenarios can simulate real-life recruitment situations, allowing recruiters to practice assertive communication techniques in a safe environment. These exercises help them refine their skills, gain confidence, and overcome any apprehensions they may have about being assertive.

Offering Feedback and Support

Throughout the training process, it’s important to provide constructive feedback to help recruiters recognize areas for improvement and celebrate their progress. Encourage open dialogue and create a supportive environment where recruiters feel comfortable expressing concerns and seeking guidance.

Addressing Confidence and Self-Esteem

Assertiveness is closely tied to confidence and self-esteem. Strategically complementing assertiveness training with workshops or seminars focused on building confidence can empower recruiters to assert themselves more effectively. Encourage self-reflection and personal development to foster long-term confidence growth.

Fostering a Culture of Assertiveness

Beyond individual training sessions, it’s beneficial to cultivate a culture within your organization that values assertive communication. Encourage open communication channels, provide opportunities for feedback, and reward assertive behavior. When assertiveness is embraced at all levels, recruiters will feel more empowered to apply their newfound skills.

Emphasizing Continuous Improvement

Assertiveness is a skill that requires ongoing practice and refinement. Encourage recruiters to continue developing their assertiveness skills beyond the initial training program. Offer resources such as books, articles, and workshops to support their continued growth.


Investing in assertiveness training for recruiters is not only beneficial for their individual career development but also for the overall success of your organization’s recruitment efforts. By equipping recruiters with the skills to communicate confidently and assertively, you empower them to build stronger relationships with candidates, find more and better candidates, and ultimately contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. Embrace assertiveness as a cornerstone of your talent acquisition strategy, and watch as your recruiters thrive in their roles.

For more insights on enhancing your recruitment strategies and career development planning, visit us at Preferred CFO to read more about how you can empower your entire workforce.

About the Author

Tom Applegarth Human Resources Expert Preferred CFO HR Outsourcing Fractional HR

tom applegarth

Tom Applegarth is a 30-year veteran in the Human Resources industry, with experience spanning manufacturing plants, retail stores, and divisions of Fortune 500 companies. Tom has HR experience across the United States as well as Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

His experience has brought significant, measurable improvements in employee engagement, attrition reduction, recruitment of the best and the brightest employees, and establishment of high-impact HR processes and improvements.

Tom has over 30 years of experience, including serving at high-profile companies such as Goodyear Tires, Belden, Potter Electric, and Young Living.

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