Is Your Hobby Considered a Business by the IRS?

Let’s face it—hobbies are born of passions, and at some point you’ve spent so much time working at your hobby that you become somewhat of an expert. Experts of some hobbies can make decent money from amateur hobbyists.  You may be in this boat (not too bad to get paid...

Tips for Recently Married Entrepreneurs

You’re laser-focused on meeting customer demand and building your business, and then—Wham!—you meet the person of you dreams, and now you’re building a new family at the same time.  Unfortunately, all the efficiencies you thought you’d get by being married (fewer...

Customers Create Success, Not Investors

Success is meeting a customer’s need. Too many think of success as having money, but that’s not true success. True success is having a product that meets customers needs, and a proven method for customers to pay for and consume that product. So why do so many feel...

Why You Should Consider A Lower Initial Valuation

I recently read an interesting post at arguing the down side of a mega valuation when raising initial capital.  During the read, I quickly recognized that the author was a venture capitalist himself. Despite my recognition of the inherent conflict of...

Creating the Perfect Pitch – The Engaging Pitch

I hope that you all had a chance to participate at the UVEF Hot Seat: Perfect Pitch event in April.  In case you missed it, I felt that Preferred CFO had an obligation to its friends and contacts to share some of the wisdom shared at the event. John Pilmer of Pilmer...