Generally Accepted Accounting Priciples (GAAP) Financial reporting is an important part of business that communicates the financial performance and results of a company. It records and presents information about the company’s financial position, revenues, expenses,...
A CFO brings high-level expertise and strategy to an organization. A CFO’s primary role is to elevate financial strategy, streamline operations, trim fat, and maximize sustainable growth. But how do you know if your company is ready for a CFO? How do you know if your...
Which outsourced CFO services can benefit your company? It depends on your goals. Unlike controllers and CPAs who typically have a more straightforward job description of record-keeping, bookkeeping, and tax management, an outsourced CFO’s role changes based on...
Prior to the 1960’s, economists like Peter Drucker thought strategy was largely about competition on price. Since then, a whole new set of ideas have been presented and studied, including Porter’s Five Forces, among others. These new concepts introduced extremely...
What is an Outsourced CFO? An Outsourced CFO is a financial expert who provides financial strategy services on a part-time or project basis. An Outsourced CFO provides high-level financial strategy, systems analysis and design, and operational optimizations. An...