Explore some of the most recent articles by our CFOs.



Customers Create Success, Not Investors

Success is meeting a customer’s need. Too many think of success as having money, but that’s not true success. True success is having a product that meets customers needs, and a proven method for customers to pay for and consume that product. So why do so many feel...

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The Five Don’ts of Venture Funding

A few weeks ago I opened up the discussion of venture funding.  Yes, that black box of enigmatic Pandora proportions that many attempt to open but few are successful. If you’re reading this article, then you’ve likely decided that raising funding is in your future. ...

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When Should I Raise Money Part 1

by Dave Sherwin This week I was approached by a friend with that series of questions that every entrepreneur faces at one point or another, “Should I entertain raising investment money for my business idea? And if I do, what are some things I should be aware of and...

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