5 Lessons from The Big Short

In 2010, financial journalist Michael Lewis published a book telling the story of investors who made money in the 2007-2010 crash by betting against the mortgages we now know were doomed. He called it The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine. On 11 December 2015,...

3 Ways to Think Like a Consultant

Consultants are third-party resources companies can use to fix problems within their organizations in all kinds of areas. Some specialize in advising on general strategy problems, while others focus on technology, marketing, finance, operations, or human resources....

Making Money Part 4: Cash Flow Statements

This is the fourth of four articles on Making Money. Making Money Part One: Don’t Let Work Get in the Way argued that ‘Cost of Goods Sold’ activities should come first. Making Money Part Two: Net Profit described ways use income statements to make more money. Making...