Explore some of the most recent articles by our CFOs.



The Secret to Profits: Financial Control

Purpose of Business There are arguably many reasons why entrepreneurs start companies—provide jobs for others, accomplish a social good, leave their mark on the world—to name a few. No matter the altruistic or wealth-creating motive, all businesses should have as the...

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The Secret to Profits: Distinction

In a previous post we discussed how a culture of performance positions your company for better profits. We feel that an inward focus is the first and best place to start so that any externally facing improvements don’t set your customers up for disappointment....

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The Secret to Profits: Performance

Selling your product in Wal-Mart or on may be the right strategy for you—if your product is cheap and made in China. There are similar ways to sell out when you provide services as well, but chances are, the vision that you aspire to is one of...

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Do You Try To Win Or To “Not Lose”?

Risk is inevitable in all business. Especially in smaller businesses where just starting and opening the door the first day is itself a large risk. You shouldn't try to live life on the edge and risk all your assets, but taking calculated risks at times when it's...

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The What: Hiring a CFO

In a previous post I discussed indications that it may be time to bring on a full-time CFO or interview outsourced candidates. Now that we know when to find someone, let’s discuss what we should look for. Even though your choice of CFO will depend on your vision for...

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Signs that a Business Needs a CFO

As early-stage companies grow, many experience a number of challenges and problems that indicate the need for a CFO, but don’t recognize it. Often they mistakenly think that the hodge-podge matrix of undertrained staff that they’ve set in charge of their finances will...

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Hiring the Right Bookkeeper

Strong bookkeeping should be an undisputed given for any company. The benefits of bookkeeping cannot be overstated: its the core to deriving valuable information about a business’s operation in order to make valuable decisions.  An exhaustive list of the benefits can...

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3 Strategies to Make Your Budget Count

A budget shouldn’t be something you draft at the beginning of the year, stash away in a drawer, and then compare with your year-end numbers to see how you did.  That may sound ludicrous, and that’s because it is.  Unfortunately, the way many business owners use their...

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The “Right” Investor Depends on Timing

Too many entrepreneurs approach fundraising thinking that all money is the same.  “An ‘investor’ is someone with money, and therefore all people with money can be an investor in my business.”  Well, not exactly, and here’s why. The right investor entirely depends on...

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Tips for Recently Married Entrepreneurs

You’re laser-focused on meeting customer demand and building your business, and then—Wham!—you meet the person of you dreams, and now you’re building a new family at the same time.  Unfortunately, all the efficiencies you thought you’d get by being married (fewer...

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